PERRY: Attempt by Aurora lawmakers to clean up the mayor-king debacle is a good start

Council members, from left, Curtis Gardner, Juan Marcano and Danielle Jurinsky held a joint press conference June 4 to speak out against the curren...

July 12, 2023
11:28 PM

Council members, from left, Curtis Gardner, Juan Marcano and Danielle Jurinsky held a joint press conference June 4 to speak out against the current petition circulating throughout Aurora that would put a term-limit initiative on this years ballot. Photo by PHILIP B. POSTON/ Don't stop now. Led by Councilmember Curtis Gardner, Aurora lawmakers took the first step this week toward cleaning up the city's frail ballot initiative regulations. This week, city lawmakers unanimously moved to the council floor a measure that would make it a misdemeanor to try and deceive voters when presenting them with a petition to get a citizen initiative on the ballot.

DAVE PERRY: Sentinel Editor