Aurora Strong Mayor Proposal Could Be Delayed Because of Tight Timetable

The initiative may not on be on the November 7 ballot, but supporters say it will return in 2025. August 25, 2023 Mike Coffman supports Aurora's st...

August 31, 2023
5:16 AM

The initiative may not on be on the November 7 ballot, but supporters say it will return in 2025. August 25, 2023 Mike Coffman supports Aurora's strong-mayor proposal, even if it's postponed two years. Bennito L. Kelty [ { "name": "Editor Picks / STN Combo", "component": "17242653", "insertPoint": "4", "requiredCountToDisplay": "1" },{ "name": "Air - MediumRectangle - Combo - Inline Content", "component": "17261320", "insertPoint": "8th", "startingPoint": 8, "requiredCountToDisplay": "7" },{ "name": "Air - Leaderboard Tower - Combo - Inline Content", "component": "17261321", "insertPoint": "8th", "startingPoint": 12, "requiredCountToDisplay": "11" } ] After collecting enough signatures and beating a lawsuit in court, it looked like the  Aurora Strong Mayor proposal  was headed for the November 7 ballot.

Bennito L. Kelty