Aurora fire hydrants opened up, spilling millions of gallons of water, Colorado

Vandals in Aurora have opened fire hydrants five times since October, weakening the city's water infrastructure and causing ..."

Aurora fire hydrants opened up, spilling millions of gallons of water
Vandals in Aurora have opened fire hydrants five times since October, weakening the city's water infrastructure and causing ...
December 24, 2022

Video of Aurora "Aurora fire hydrants opened up, spilling millions of gallons of water" added to our site on December 24, 2022, by 9NEWS.

Text description of video "Aurora fire hydrants opened up, spilling millions of gallons of water" is Vandals in Aurora have opened fire hydrants five times since October, weakening the city's water infrastructure and causing ...

Video Aurora fire hydrants opened up, spilling millions of gallons of water has duration 1m 54s

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Aurora fire hydrants opened up, spilling millions of gallons of water information

Published December 24, 2022
Views 4,529
Duration 1m 54s
Added by 9NEWS